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Posts Tagged ‘carter’

The Biggest Day for Political Junkies across the Country and around the World!

In Election '08 on September 30, 2008 at 4:28 am

Aside from the fact that democrats, most notably Nancy Pelosi, are blaming the republicans for mistakes in economic policy that date back to the Carter administration, the plan that these treasonous morons are endorsing is truly unconscionable.  In an attempt to skew the election for democrats (stemming from fear of damning the party for eternity since democrats have only won 2 general elections in 40 years), they are exploiting the economy to ensure that their naive and flaming-liberal candidate wins this historic election.  The democrats have taken a page from Partisanship 101.  In lamens terms, blame Bush for the status quo and associate McCain-the party leader, with these so-called failed policies.  -I encourage everyone to look at my last post, which includes an extraordinary VLOG that will sum up how this impending crisis emerged.

Additionally, I pray that John McCain grows some balls and starts calling Obama out on some of his heinous economic initiatives which will demise our economy for good.  His useless entitlement programs will be impossible because in order to pay for them he will have to raise taxes on so-called rich people.  And these richpeople will be nonexistant.  Instead of a long recession we will experience a Great Depression, but only this time it will be much worse/unimaginable and Czar Obama will not have a war option to utilize, in an effort to pull us out of our depression like FDR. 

Also, I resent this permeating idea that House Republicans failed to vote in favor of today’s bill because of partisan rhetoric.  BECAUSE it was so much more than that.  Pelosi failed to exemplify a true leader and instead used her influence as an opportunity to attack the Bush administration, asininely of course.

Sarah Palin has her work cut out for her on Thursday.  She must save our party.  I am confident that she can and will pull through for the GOP.  And I won’t even digress on how unfair and ridiculous the media has portrayed her.  I spent a total of 2 minutes watching MSNBC’s The Rachel Madden Show and almost regurgitated my dinner.  Now, more than ever GOPers need to pull together and win this thing!